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7 Plastic types that you should know

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  • 7 Plastic types that you should know

7 Plastic types that you should know

7 Plastic types that you should know  

Having knowledge of the different types of plastic is critical to understanding the complexity
of recycling, upcycling and the health factors associated with plastic. But the key wordthere
is "complexity". It's a huge topic, so this article is just a starting point, meant to be a basic
introduction for those that have little to no knowledge, not acomprehensive look for those
already in the know.

The first step is to simply know the core basics for the types of plastic that we most
encounter, numbered according to thir recycling codes. 

1. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET od PETE) This is one of the most commonly used plastics.
It's lightweight, strong, typically transparent and is offen used in food packaging and fabrics (Polyester).

Examples: Beverage bottles, Food bottles/jars (salad dressing, peanut butter, honey, etc.) and polyester clothing or rope. 

2. High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Collectively, Polyethylene is the most common plastics
in the world, but it's classified into three types: High-Density, Low-Density and Linear Low-Dendity.
High-Density Polyethylene is strong and resistant to moisture and chemicals, which makes it ideal
forcartons, containers, pipes and other building materials.

Examples: Milk cartons, detergent bottles, cereal box liners, toys, buckets, park benches and rigid pipes.

3. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC or Vinyl) This hard and rigid plastic is resistant to chemicals and weathering,
making it desired for building and construction applications; while the fact that it doesn't conduct electricity
make it common for high-tech applications, such as wires and cacle. It's also widely used in medical
applications because it's impermeable to germs, is easily disinfected and provides single-use applications
that reduce infections in healthcare. On the flip side, we must note dangerous plastic to human health,
know to leach dangerous toxins throughout its entire lifecycle (eg: lead, dioxins, vinyl chloride).

Examples: Plumbing pipes, credit cards, human and pet toys, rain gutters, teething rings, IV fluid bags and
medical tubing and oxygen masks.

4. Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) 
A softer, clearer, and more flexible version of HDPE. 
It's often used as a liner inside beverage cartons, and in corrosion-resistant work surfaces
and other products.

Examples: Plastic/cling wrap, sandwich and bread bags, bubble wrap, garbage bags, grocery bags and beverage cups.

5. Polypropylene (PP) 
This is one of the most durable types of plastic. It is more heat resistant
than some others, which makes it ideal for such things as food packaging andf food storage that's
made to hold hot items or be heated itself. It's flexible enough to allow for mild bending, but it
retains its shape and strength for a long time.

Examples: Straws, bottle caps, prescription bottles, hot food containers, packaging tape, disposable
diapers and DVD/CD boxes.

6. Polystyrene (PS or Styrofoam) Better known as Styrofoam, this rigid plastic is low-cost and insulates
very well, which has made it a staple in the food, packaging and construction industries. Like PVC, Polystyrene
is considered to be a dangerous plastic. It can easily leacj harmful toxins such as styrene (a neurotoxin),
which can easily then be absorbed by food and thus ingested by humans.

Examples: Cups, takeout food containers, shipping and product packaging, egg cartons, cutlery and building insulation.

7. Other This category is a catch-all for other types of plastic that don't belong in any other six
catrgories or are combinations of multiple types. We include it because you might occasionally
come across the #7 recycling code, so it's important to know what it means. The most important
thing here is that these plastics aren't typically recyclable. 


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